/BCO-DMO/Seagrass_Blue_Carbon/ES_2017_bottom_water ---- Level 0

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#   Bottom water analysis
#       collected July 2017  in coastal bays of the Eastern Shore of Virginia
#   PI: D. BurZimmermaU)
#   Co-PIs: R. Zimmerman (ODU), M. Long (WHOI)
#   version date: 2018-09-06
sample_id  site  lat      lon       num_replicate_bottles  initial_pH  initial_pH_stdev  Alk     Alk_stdev  Sulfate  Sulfate_stdev  DIC     DIC_stdev  DOC     DOC_stdev  
BW1        SP2   37.344   -75.798   3                      8.00        0.04              2.191   0.021      22.73    0.40           2.06    0.02       167.27  6.96       
BW2        SP3   37.344   -75.798   3                      7.99        0.01              2.180   0.007      21.64    0.19           2.08    0.02       151.68  0.56       
BW3        SB2   37.266   -75.835   3                      7.93        0.03              2.136   0.016      20.80    0.31           2.05    0.02       119.67  2.33       
BW4        SB2   37.266   -75.835   3                      7.87        0.02              2.173   0.004      20.40    0.01           2.09    0.02       180.09  0.85